1. Legal Standards for Brain Death, JOURNAL OF BIOETHICAL INQUIRY (2016).
2. Brain Death: Legal Duties to Accommodate Religious Objections, 148(2) CHEST e69 (2015).
3. Brain Death Rejected: Expanding Legal Duties to Accommodate Religious Objections and Continue Physiological Support, in LAW, RELIGION, AND AMERICAN HEALTH CARE (Cambridge University Press forthcoming 2016) (proceedings from 2015 Petrie-Flom Center Annual Conference at Harvard Law).
4. Review of Death before Dying: History, Medicine, and Brain Death (OUP 2014), 36 JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE (forthcoming 2015).
5. Brain Death: Legal Obligations and the Courts, 35(2) SEMINARS IN CLINICAL NEUROLOGY: THE CLINICAL PRACTICE OF BRAIN DEATH DETERMINATION 174-179 (2015) (with Christopher M. Burkle).
6. Legal Briefing: Brain Death and Total Brain Failure, 25(3) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 245-257 (2014).
7. Pregnant and Dead in Texas: A Bad Law, Badly Interpreted, LOS ANGELES TIMES (Jan. 16. 2014) (with Art Caplan).
8. Legal Briefing: Organ Donation, 21(3) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 243-263 (2010).