I am pleased to be engaged with healthcare policy making at the institutional, local, and national levels. Among other things:
I am a member of MEDCAC, the Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee (2013-2015). MEDCAC reviews and evaluates medical literature, technology assessments, and examines data and information on the effectiveness and appropriateness of medical items and services that are covered under Medicare, or that may be eligible for coverage under Medicare. MEDCAC judges the strength of the available evidence and makes recommendations to CMS based on that evidence.
I co-chair the Minnesota POLST Task Force, a project housed by the Minnesota Medical Association
I testified, by invitation, before the U.S. President's Council on Bioethics.
I testified, by invitation, before the Minnesota Senate.
I testified, by invitation, before the Texas House of Representatives.
I submitted pro bono amicus curiae briefs and oral argument in before appellate courts in New Jersey and California.
I participated on a multidisciplinary task force bringing MOLST to Delaware, and helped draft the DHSS regulations.
Pro Bono Service
In addition to public service for the state and federal government, I am pleased to be engaged with healthcare policy making at the institutional and local levels in a pro bono capacity. Among other things:
I serve on the Minnesota Medical Association POLST Task Force.
I serve on the Litigation Advocacy Advisory Committee, Compassion & Choices .
I make frequent presentations to community and professional groups on health policy issues.
I have consulted with lead counsel in appellate litigation concerning medical treatment issues.
I served on a large hospital system's ethics committee (Christiana Care Health System).
I served on the institutional review board (IRB) of Widener University.
I served on the Board of the Delaware End-of-Life Coalition.
I served on a regional long-term care ethics committee in New Jersey.
Academic Service
In addition to community and policy service, I also contribute to the academic community. Among other things:
I am the Chair-elect of the American Association of Law Schools (AALS) Section on Law, Medicine, and Healthcare. In 2015-2016, I will be the Chair.
I serve on the Program Committee of the American Society of Bioethics & Humanities (ASBH)
I co-chaired the ASBH Law Affinity Group from 2010 to 2013.
I am pleased to review article and book manuscripts as well as grant proposals in my areas of expertise.
I serve on the editorial board of several bioethics journals
I have served as a peer reviewer for book publishers, including Cambridge University Press and Routledge
I have served as a peer reviewer for law reviews, medical journals like Chest, and bioethics journals
I have served as a peer reviewer for several grant making bodies
Bar Associations
I participate with national, state, and local bar associations. For example:
I serve on the Governing Council of the Minnesota State Bar Association (MSBA) Health Law Section.
I have served on the editorial board of the Los Angeles County Bar Association's LA Lawyer.
I charied the Death & Dying Subcommittee of the LACBA Bioethics Committee.
I have been a contributing author for health law publications of the American Bar Association (ABA) and the American Health Lawyers Association (AHLA).
Medical Associations
I have also been pleased to serve as a legal consultant to the policy development groups of medical associations.
For the past few years, I have been advising some policy drafting groups at the American Thoracic Society on new policies concerning Conscience Based Refusals and Medical Futility.
I serve on the Minnesota POLST Task Force which is a project housed at the Minnesota Medical Association.
Expert Witness
I have also been pleased to serve as an expert witness in trial-level litigation concerning bioethics and medical ethics. I have been retained by Greenberg Traurig and by Bryan Cave on behalf of their hospital clients. My typical rate is $300 per hour for research and document review, and $400 for testimony.
Speaking Fees
Over the past few years, hospitals and universities have typically offered a speaking honorarium of $1500 to $2500. The main influencing factors have been (a) the number of presentations, (b) the amount of required preparation, and (c) the resources of the inviting entity.