This page lists my presentations on patient decision aids, shared decision making, and informed consent.
Presentations (2024)
Decline and Fall of Informed Consent: Long Live Shared Decision Making with Certified Patient Decision Aids, 36th ANNUAL DOROTHY MACLEAN CONFERENCE, Chicago, Illinois (November 8-9, 2024).
Top 10 Legal Developments in Shared Decision Making: Law and Policy Update on Implementing SDM into Clinical Practice, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF LAW MEDICINE AND ETHICS HEALTH LAW PROFESSORS CONERENCE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (June 5-7, 2024).
Protect Patient Rights, Reduce Medical Errors, and Improve Healthcare Quality - Moving from Informed Consent to Shared Decision Making, DARTMOUTH UNIVERSITY (February 14, 2024).
36th MacLean Center Clinical Ethics Conference (2024)
Protect Patient Rights, Reduce Medical Errors, and Improve Healthcare Quality: Moving from Informed Consent to Shared Decision Making, SANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 21st ANNUAL ETHICS IN ACTION CONFERENCE, Sioux Falls, South Dakota (May 3, 2023).
Move from Informed Consent to Shared Decision Making, DARTMOUTH UNIVERSITY (February 15, 2023).
Unpacking Bedside Bioethics: Informed Consent, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, Minneapolis, Minnesota (February 14, 2023).
Presentations (2022)
Linking Payment to Patient Preference: Medicare Coverage Mandates for Shared Decision Making, LOYOLA UNIVERSITY CHICAGO SCHOOL OF LAW 16TH ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM (Evolution and Innovation in the Health Care Payment Landscape), Chicago, Illinois (November 11, 2022).
Implementing SDM into Clinical Practice: Law and Policy Update, 11th INTERNATIONAL SHARED DECISION MAKING CONFERENCE, Kolding, Denmark (June 21, 2022).
Patient Decision Aids Improve Patient Safety and Reduce Medical Liability Risk, 11th INTERNATIONAL SHARED DECISION MAKING CONFERENCE, Kolding, Denmark (June 21, 2022).
Shared Decision Making and Patient Decision Aids: It Is Time to Revolutionize Informed Consent, So Patients Can Understand Their Treatment Options, BROCHER FOUNDATION, Hermance, Switzerland (March 3, 2022).
Patient Decision Aids & Shared Decision Making: Growing Legal and Policy Support, DARTMOUTH UNIVERSITY (February 16, 2022).
Time to Promote Uptake of Patient Decision Aids, DARTMOUTH UNIVERSITY (January 13, 2021).
Patient Rights and Healthcare Decision-Making after COVID-19: Transformations and Future Directions? QUT GLOBAL LAW, SCIENCE, AND TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR SERIES (November 19, 2020).
Informed Consent Law and Ethics, VERMONT ETHICS NETWORK (November 9, 2020).
Implementing SDM into Clinical Practice: Law and Policy Update, 10th INTERNATIONAL SHARED DECISION MAKIING CONFERENCE, Quebec City, Canada (July 7-10, 2019).
Shared Decision Making: Time to Revolutionize Informed Consent, EMORY UNIVERSITY, Atlanta, Georgia (March 20, 2019).
Presentations (2014 to 2018)
Euthanize Informed Consent: Moving to Shared Decision Making with Certified Patient Decision Aids after Fifty Years of a Failed Doctrine, MAYO CLINIC, Rochester, Minnesota (December 13, 2018).
Shared Decision Making and Advance Care Planning: Using Decision Aids to Improve Patient Safety, MICHIGAN ADVANCE CARE PLANNING CONFERENCE, Lansing, Michigan (October 11-12, 2018).
Ending Self-Regulation of Medicine: Does Less Physician Control Improve Patient Safety and Protect Patient Rights? MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR ETHICS AND HUMANITIES IN THE LIFE SCIENCES, Lansing, Michigan (October 10, 2018).
Revolutionizing Informed Consent Law and Practice: Empowering Patients with Certified Decision Aids, 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATION IN HEALTHCARE, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), Porto, Portugal (September 1-4, 2018).
Revolutionizing Informed Consent Law and Practice: Empowering Patients with Certified Decision Aids, INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL ETHICS SUMMER RESEARCH CONFERENCE, Oxford, England (June 19, 2018).
Next Steps: Moving from Science and Policy to Practice: The Development and Certification of Decision Aids to Promote Shared Decision Making for Patients with Serious Illness, HARVARD LAW SCHOOL, Cambridge, Massachusetts (April 18, 2018) (Project on Advanced Care and Health Policy by the Petrie-Flom Center at Harvard Law School and the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care).
Washington State Experience: The Development and Certification of Decision Aids to Promote Shared Decision Making for Patients with Serious Illness, HARVARD LAW SCHOOL, Cambridge, Massachusetts (April 18, 2018)
Unwanted Medical Treatment: the Tragic, Utter Failure of U.S. Informed Consent Law, HARVARD LAW SCHOOL, Cambridge, Massachusetts (November 20, 2017).
Narrowing the Gap Between Theory and Practice of Informed Consent: Ongoing Evolution to Shared Decision Making and Patient Decision Aids - 2017 Plous Family Lecture, AURORA HEALTH CARE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (October 9, 2017).
From Informed Consent to Shared Decision Making: Improving Patient Safety and Reducing Medical Liability Risk with Patient Decision Aids, MINNESOTA SOCIETY FOR HEALTHCARE RISK MANAGEMENT, Minneapolis, Minnesota (September 28, 2017).
Three Legal Tools for Promoting Shared Decision Making, 9TH INTERNATIONAL SHARED DECISION MAKING (ISDM) CONFERENCE, Lyon, France (July 2-5, 2017).
Finally Ending Legal Deference to Physician Judgment, 40TH AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS (ASLME) HEALTH LAW PROFESSORS CONFERENCE, Atlanta, Georgia (June 8-10, 2017).
Revolutionizing Informed Consent Law: Empowering Patients with Certified Decision Aids, 3rd INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL ETHICS, Edinburgh, Scotland (June 18, 2016).
Revolutionizing Informed Consent Law: Empowering Patients with Certified Decision Aids, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BIOETHICS (IAB) 13th WORLD CONGRESS, Edinburgh, Scotland (June 2016).
Revolutionizing Informed Consent Law: Empowering Patients with Certified Decision Aids, 39th ASSOCIATION OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS (ASLME) HEALTH LAW PROFESSORS CONFERENCE, Boston, Massachusetts (June 4, 2016).
Revolutionizing Informed Consent Law, ASLME HEALTH LAW PROFESSORS CONFERENCE, St. Louis, Missouri (June 4-6, 2015).
Revitalizing Informed Consent Law, DARTMOUTH SUMMER INSTITUTE FOR INFORMED PATIENT CHOICE (SIIPC), Lebanon, New Hampshire (June 25-27, 2014).