Avoid Advanced Dementia with an Advance Directive for Stopping Eating and Drinking, 134(9) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE E502 (2021) (with Timothy Quill, Paul Menzel, Judith Schwarz).
Assistance with Eating and Drinking Only When Requested Can Prevent Living with Advanced Dementia, 20(11) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION (JAMDA) 1353-1355 (2019) (with Ladislav Volicer and Karl Steinberg).
Avoiding Late-Stage Dementia with Advance Directives for Stopping Eating and Drinking, KevinMD (October 6, 2019).
Stopping Eating and Drinking by Advance Directives (SED by AD) in the ALF and PALTC Setting, 20 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION (JAMDA) (forthcoming 2019) (with Ladislav Volicer, Karl E. Steinberg, and Stanley A. Terman).
Whether, When and How to Honor Advance VSED Requests for End-Stage Dementia Patients, 19(1) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS 90-92 (2019).
Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking Is Legal—and Ethical—for Terminally Ill Patients Looking to Hasten Death, ASCO POST (June 25, 2018).
Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking: Clinical, Psychiatric, Ethical and Legal Aspects, 178 JAMA INTERNAL MEDICINE 123-127 (2018) (with Timothy Quill, Linda Ganzini, Bob Truog).
Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking (VSED) to Hasten Death: May Clinicians Legally Support Patients to VSED? 15 BMC MEDICINE 187 (Oct. 2017).
Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking, 6(2) NARRATIVE INQUIRY IN BIOETHICS 75-126 (2016) (symposium editor).
Prospective Autonomy and Dementia: Ulysses Contracts for VSED, 12(3) JOURNAL OF BIOETHICAL INQUIRY 389-394 (2015).
Legal Briefing: Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking, 25(1) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 68-80 (2014) (with Amanda West).
Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking: A Legal Treatment Option at the End of Life, 17(2) WIDENER LAW REVIEW 363-428 (2011) (with Lindsey Anderson).