From Informed Consent to Shared Decision Making: Improving Patient Safety and Reducing Medical Liability Risk with Patient Decision Aids (under submission).
New Regulations Require Better Communication With Patients Who Have Disabilities and Limited English Proficiency, ASCO POST (January 25, 2019).
Law and Ethics in Oncology: Decision Aids Reflect Patients’ Values and Preferences for Care. So Why Aren’t More Oncologists Using Them? ASCO POST (May 10, 2018).
Certified Patient Decision Aids: Solving Persistent Problems with Informed Consent Law, 45(1) JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 12-40 (2017).
Revolutionizing Informed Consent: Empowering Patients with Certified Decision Aids, 10 THE PATIENT - PATIENT CENTERED OUTCOMES RESEARCH (2017) (with Daniel S. Lessler).
Emerging Legal Issues for Providers in the US, in SHARED DECISION MAKING IN HEALTHCARE: ACHIEVING EVIDENCE-BASED PATIENT CHOICE (Oxford University Press 2016) (with Benjamin Moulton).
Patient Rights, in OXFORD TEXTBOOK OF CRITICAL CARE (Webb, Angus, Finfer, Gattioni & Singer eds., Oxford University Press forthcoming 2015) (with Douglas B. White).
Legal Briefing: Informed Consent in the Clinical Context, 25(2) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 152-174 (2014) (with Melinda Hexum).
Legal Briefing: Shared Decision Making and Patient Decision Aids, 24(1) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 70-80 (2013) (with Mindy Hexum).
Clinicians May Not Administer Life-Sustaining Treatment without Consent: Civil, Criminal, and Disciplinary Sanctions, 9 JOURNAL OF HEALTH & BIOMEDICAL LAW 213-296 (2013).
Legal Briefing: The New Patient Self Determination Act, 24(2) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 156-167 (2013).
Legal Briefing: POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment), 23(4) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 353-376 (2012) (with Mindy Hexum).
Legal Briefing: Informed Consent, 21(1) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 72-82 (2010).
The Maladaptation of Miranda to Advance Directives: A Critique of the Implementation of the Patient Self Determination Act, 9 HEALTH MATRIX 139-202 (1999).