An Official ATS/AGS Policy Statement: Making Medical Treatment Decisions for Unrepresented Patients in the ICU (in progress with multi-disciplinary committee).
Unbefriended and Unrepresented Patients: Balancing Efficiency and Oversight, AMA JOURNAL OF ETHICS (forthcoming 2019)..
Unbefriended and Unrepresented: Medical Decision Making for Incapacitated Patients without Healthcare Surrogates, 33(4) GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 923-1019 (2017).
Legal Briefing: Adult Orphans and the Unbefriended: Making Medical Decisions for Unrepresented Patients without Surrogates, 26(2) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS 180-188 (2015).
Making Medical Decisions for Patients without Surrogates, 369(21) NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 1976-1978 (2013).
Legal Briefing: The Unbefriended: Making Healthcare Decisions for Patients without Proxies (Part 1), 23(1) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 84-96 (2012) (with Tanya Sellers).
Legal Briefing: The Unbefriended: Making Healthcare Decisions for Patients without Proxies (Part 2), 23(2) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 177-192 (2012) (with Tanya Sellers).
Legal Fundamentals of Surrogate Decision Making, 141(4) CHEST 1074-1081 (2012).