Articles on MAID by Prof. Pope |
Medical Aid in Dying in Hawaii: Appropriate Safeguards or Unmanageable Obstacles? HEALTH AFFAIRS BLOG (forthcoming 2018) (with Mara Buchbinder).
Legal History of Medical Aid in Dying: Physician Assisted Death in U.S. Courts and Legislatures, 48(2) NEW MEXICO LAW REVIEW 267-301 (2018).
Safeguards, in PHYSICIAN-ASSISTED DEATH: SCANNING THE LANDSCAPE 5-2 to 5-4 (National Academies of Science Engineering & Medicine 2018).
Medical Aid in Dying: When Legal Safeguards Become Burdensome Obstacles, ASCO POST (Dec. 25, 2017).
Oregon Shows that Assisted Suicide Can Work Sensibly and Fairly, 15(2) FINAL EXIT NETWORK NEWSLETTER 7 (May 2016).
Clinical Criteria for Physician Aid-in-Dying, 19(3) JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE MEDICINE 259-262 (2016) (with David Orentlicher & Ben Rich).
The Changing Legal Climate for Physician Aid-in-Dying, 311(11) JAMA 1107-08 (2014) (with David Orentlicher and Ben A. Rich).
Oregon Shows that Assisted Suicide Can Work Sensibly and Fairly, NEW YORK TIMES - ROOM FOR DEBATE, Oct. 7, 2014.
Legal Briefing: Medical Futility and Assisted Suicide, 20(3) J. CLINICAL ETHICS 274-86 (2009).